Month: November 2015

  • Quote analysis

    “shuffled off this mortal coil” The coil in this quote is referring to the lamps used at the time that hamlet was written. These lamps burned this coil this is used to describe life, each minute that the coil burns could be compared to a year of somebodies life, eventually the lamp will burn out…

  • To be or not be Soliloquy

    To live or not to live, that is the question. Whether it is more honourable to suffer the onslaught of misfortune, or to take action against the mass of troubles, which might bring them to an end. to die-to rest, thats it; and by sleep i mean to end the heartache and the shocks (or…

  • Act 5 Scene 1-2

    Act 5 Scene 1: In the churchyard two gravediggers talk while they are digging Ophelia’s grave. They are arguing about whether she should receive a christian burial because it seems like she has killed herself. According to the burial rules at the the time if you commited suicide you were not able to receive a…

  • Act 4 Scene 6 and Act 4 Scene 7

    Act 4 scene 6: In some other part of the castle introduced to a pair of sailors, who have brought him a letter from Hamlet to him. In the letter hamlet says that the ship he was in was captured by pirates as it was too slow. The pirates have returned to Denmark with hamlet…

  • Vernon God Little (Reading project)

    To start off I will talk about the style that this book is written in. Vernon God Little uses dark humour as well as using satirical language and irony. Some of the language used in this book is quite crude. It is a narrative: this narrative uses slang and some words have purposefully been changed…